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Gruaja e Zelensky rrëfen kur e ka takuar për herë të fundit Presidentin

-Instant, Arkiva, Lajme, Të fundit

Olena Zelensky tregoi se prej më shumë se një muaji nuk e ka takuar bashkëshortin e saj, presidentin ukrainas Volodimir Zelensky. Në një intervistë për CNN, zonja e parë e Ukrainës u shpreh se ka komunikuar me të vetëm me telefon dhe se presidenti jeton në zyrën e tij bashkë me ekipin.

“E kam ditur gjithmonë se ai ishte dhe do të ishte një mbështetje e besueshme për mua. Më pas ai u bë një baba i mrekullueshëm dhe mbështetje për familjen tonë. Ai nuk ka ndryshuar. Thjesht më shumë njerëz e panë me sytë e mi,” – u shpreh Zelenska.

Ndërkohë, sa i takon fëmijëve, ajo rrëfeu se po jetojnë me të dhe nuk ju ka folur konkretisht për luftën. Zonja e parë e Ukrainës tregoi se fëmijët ndonjëherë e kuptojnë më mirë se të rriturit, thjesht duke bashkëjetuar me situatën dhe duke i jetuar frikërat me guxim.


  1. Lajm tipik Sorrosist. Kujt i plasi kari ne e ka takuar kjo ate qe qihet ne bythe dhe e ka marre nusen sa per cader njesoj si Ramazoni

    1. ki nje cik empatizem o rrote kari se u eshte bere truni sorros. Ata atje e bashke me kete president e familjen e tij rrezikojne koken cdo dite nderkohe qe ti ha fara tek lagjia e llomotit karlliqe

      1. Mos ia ver re se eshte nje paramec pro-skit(rus), nje vemje me koken e Kastriot Mutfarajt dhe trupin e Fred Cakos…

    2. ke shume te drejte sepse edhe ajo trapja qe vdiq tha ia vleu qe vdiqne 500 000 femije irakene

      500 000 femije

  2. Cudi se kjo kucka para dy javesh dekkaroi se ka qendruar me “burin” e saj dhe se do ishte gjithmone ne krah te bashkeshortit dmth lad zenelqiut.
    Sdq besoj lapsi e ka marre persiper kete tallava lajmesh meqe jane hedhur shume kocka per lepirje, me pak fjale eshte ceshtje mbijetese. O Andiiiiiii rri nje here drejt te pakten…..

  3. dikush te beje nje koleksion te deklaratave te kukulles

    dhe atehere do te shihet se me ke kemi humbur kohen kot

  4. trupat ruse kane arritur ke portat e katakombeve te fabrikes se mariupolit

    brenda ka tunele kilometra te gjate ku jane fshehur ushtare ukrainas dhe jov vetem

    mister i modh fshihet atje

  5. lajmi i fundit per respekt te Bushatit

    forcat cecene kane hyre me ne fund ne tunelin/tunele 35 metra te thelle dhe 24 kilometra te gjate

    aty mendohet se fshihen sekrete ka rreth 240 veta personel te huaj

    mendohet se ka edhe laboratore biologjike
    prandaj po dalin lajme per sulm kimik
    sekreti aty eshte i madh

  6. I am posting a letter from a citizen of Ukraine, he asked to publish it (automatic translation):

    CRY FROM THE HEART. “Russian Orcs”, Dear ones, Good – don’t stop!

    “This was sent to me by my friend from Kyiv, Father Roman. A housemate is writing, and the priest himself had to flee with his family.”

    “Good afternoon. I am a citizen of Ukraine, I am in Kyiv. We evacuated from Bucha on March 12.

    Our house (250 apartments) is completely looted. The Ukrainian press accuses the “Russian orcs” of plundering Bucha, and people believed it… But a week has passed, and those single neighbors who still live in the house whisper after you swear by Mom, the health of your children, and all the saints, horrified by the lawlessness they have seen, tell the Truth…

    The Russians left Bucha on 30 March. And on the 31st, in the evening, the looting began. A brigade of more than 10 people in civilian clothes worked, but they were guarded and commanded by the military of the Armed Forces of Ukraine around the clock. At night by headlamps.

    They ransacked our house for three days (April 31, 1 and 2). All apartments were broken into and looted except for those four where there were people. Everyone knows about it, but they are silent. Even those whose relatives serve in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the police are silent! Everyone is immersed in animal fear! When women come up to them, they bow and with horror in their eyes begin to cry and say “Thank you” in a trembling voice. Such a reaction because they know that those whom we consider ours are killed immediately without warning.

    Four out of six corpses found in the basement of a neighboring house were identified yesterday in Bucha. Two of them turned out to be door installers, and two were locksmiths! This is the elimination of witnesses, marauders who worked for three days for the “commanders of the Armed Forces of Ukraine”! (break down apartment doors)

    Now, our family has (or rather had) a dacha in a large village near Kiev. Phoned a neighbor. The village is destroyed, every 3rd house. Many people evacuated. Only those who have a cow remain …

    Our village was robbed by units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which entered as soon as the Russian troops withdrew!!! Ten days. All houses are broken into and robbed!!! People are silent. A neighbor with small grandchildren went to Malin to his daughter, and handed over the cow and chickens to the care of a neighbor … The neighbor saw that even furniture was being taken out of his house by “ours” and ran to them: “Boys, why are you robyte, we are our own She was immediately shot under the fence… And her husband too!

    Why was Baba Masha killed??? Her milk cows mooed heart-rendingly for three days all over the district, because the neighbors were afraid to leave the hut even to go to the toilet, and went to the pot… On the third day, the warriors of light took pity and cut the throats of the poor cows… our village had 70-80 people. And they all robbed and killed!

    Do you think that Ukraine is fascism? No, this is not fascism … The Nazis did not rob or kill their own! This Satanism is fierce, senseless and merciless! They are not “ours”, they are nonhumans!!! They couldn’t help but understand that in the village, although few, there are still people left … even though they sit in their huts and see what you have been doing these ten days with our village !!! Neighbors see your crimes… Bastards.

    About 3,000 people remained in Bucha, and about 40 in our village. People have seen everything, and they know everything and will tell everything!!! You will not kill all the witnesses of your fierce Satanism? And even if you come back, you won’t kill everyone! The people cannot be killed… Thank God that it occurred to someone to withdraw the Russian troops from Kyiv… This decision is God’s admonition… It put everything in its place…

    And most importantly. Over the past three weeks, our family has lost everything: an apartment that we paid for 17 years, we built a summer house for 20 years, investing our souls, a car – everything … But, Thank God, the children survived.

    I still have trousers, shoes, a shirt and only shorts… I will survive this… Because I had a Dream… that “Russian orcs” will be given by God, will return to my beloved Kyiv, to my Bucha, to my village, and I will be able to sign up as a private with them in order to free my Batkivshchyna, my Motherland from the fierce Satanism that tormented our house in Bucha for three days, and tortured my beloved village for ten days …
    Please, “Russian Orcs”, Dear ones, Good ones, don’t stop… For Christ’s sake Dear ones!
    Please publish my letter. I am now in Kyiv, and I cannot announce it myself.

  7. Kjo gruaja e Zelenskit tani po kupton se Ukraina eshte ne lufte dhe burri-president do te kete pune per nje kohe te gjate, se nuk po xhiron komedi kete here, por tragjedine e Ukraines.

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