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Putin rrit dënimin për ushtarët rusë që refuzojnë të luftojnë në Ukrainë

-Instant, Arkiva, Planet, Të fundit

Trupat ruse që refuzojnë të luftojnë, pra që dezertojnë, nuk i binden urdhrave ose dorëzohen në Ukrainë, tani mund të përballen me 10 vjet burg.

Ligji i ri u nënshkrua nga presidenti rus Vladimir Putin të shtunën. Sipas Sky news ky ligj është miratuar edhe nga dhomat e parlamentit. Më parë, trupat dezertuese ishin përballur me pesë vjet burg.

Ky ligj vjen pas raporteve të publikuara për ushtarë rusë në Ukrainë që refuzojnë të luftojnë – ose ikin nga vendi për të shmangur thirrjen për të luftuar.


  1. Po pse ka mundesi qe edhe ruset dezertokan? Po ne e dinim qe ne luften II boterore, sovjetiket kane bere namin.ishin te pamposhtur, luftarak.etj etj (sic vazhdojne mitet per ate kohe).Ne fakt nuk jane krejtesisht mite, ka dhe nje te vertete tjeter ,qe kjo lufte e sotshme po na verteton. Ate pak qendrese qe e bene sovjetiket(pasi u erdhi ne ndihme edhe moti i acarte), e bene pikerisht njerezit e Ukraines, Gjeorgjise,balltiket, dhe kaukazi, dhe jo ruset, sepse po shihet tani sa luftarak jane ruset.. Po ata vellezerit e tjere, qe askush si do as si kojshi, e ju i konsideroni vellezer(e kam fjalen per serbucat),si ka mundesi qe po ua kthejne vellazerine me nje mikpritje te papare, duke strehu disidentet dhe dezertoret tuaj, duke ia ngrit bileten e avionit deri ne 9000 eur0, dhe duke ua rrit cmimin e qirase ne Beograd 300%? E shikoni sa e sinqerte dhe me te futme eshte vellazeria serbo-ruse.Do t’ua shikoni fytyren e vertete meqe jeni qorra e akoma sia keni pare, sapo ata te detyrohen te njohin Kosoven, e qe sua kane me nevojen, se si do ua kthene shpinen.

    1. Dhe mos harroni o ruse, qe nje nga arsyet kryesore pse perendimi po nxiton per ta detyru Serbine te na njoh, eshte qe duke e njoft sa ku** eshte Serbia, e dine qe ky shtet kriminal kur sua ka interesin,pa u mendu 2here e tradheton vellaun dhe shkon u serviloset te tjereve, prandaj sapo serbucat sdo kenee me nevojen e vetos ruse, dhe gazit rus, do ia shikoni fytyren. Dhe tjera, mos shfrytezoni burrat e atyre republikave (kryesisht Kaukazin)qe akoma jane nen pushtimin tuaj (por qe ne nje lufte te III boterore, jane te parat qe do clirohen), per te bere luften tuaj. Luftoni vete,se nuk behet lufta me skllever, dhe mercenare.Ose merrini si mercenare keta serbet,mundesisht dhjetera mijera (po flas nga deshira qe pastaj ata te kthehen ne atdhe si deshmore te vellazerise serbo-ruso-bjelloruse, se ne fakt e di qe sua mban atyre te luftojne me burra).FREE CRIMEA.!

    2. Arbër Budalli flet për heroizmin e ukrainasve në luftën e II Botërore!🙈
      O idjot I mjerë posi lëshon gafa te këtij niveli? Po gjermanët pikërisht në këto republika sovjetike u ulen këmbëkryq e I kishin pushtuar për 3 javë o injorant me brirë dhie! Përveçse u pushtuan lehtë ukrainasit kishin një aleat me nazistët që shfaroste popullsinë ruse kryesisht dhe ky quhej STEPAN BANDERA siç kanë qenë Kosovarët që bënë masakrën e 4 shkurtit 1944 në Tiranë përkrah nazistëve.
      O Arbër Kari mos shkruaj me se je për të ardhur keq vërtet!

      1. Ah e nxorri koken me ne fund SPIUNI rus (spiun rus tash, por spiun i vjeter serb). Qe kur permende te ashtuquajturen Masakren e 4 shkurtit( qe per cudi kurre nuk i pame emrat e atyre dhjetera te masakruarve, por qe Mero dhe Frrok serbi e perdorin ne cdo fuahate antikosovare qe ndermarrin), te doli koka padashje, por qe tani u nderlikua situata pak, se heren tjeter sic te bera nje reklame falas(dhe mos kerko/merito te tbej prape),thashe se ishe ai tullaci peder qe na shtremberon nofullen dhe hap krahet,kur flet si kompetent,dhe manipulon audiencen e tij (maksimumi 8-12 vjecare )por vertete akoma sme besohet qe mund te jesh aq kameleon sa aq ndryshe te hiqesh andej dhe kaq serbo rus te jesh ne realitet. Gjithcka ka mundesi, dhe 50% je ai, e 50% njeri nga disa spiune te tjere serb(edhe ata shumica njerez publik si ti).T’ia leme kohes o spiun se do tbie maska, po deri atehere hap nje ‘Ju flet MOska 2’ dhe kete propagande pro ruse beje si burrat bale per balle, para kamerave, jo si skuth neper vrima portalesh

          1. O rusofil, une cka bej,e bej vullnettarisht, dhe as per nje sufllaqe, e as si i marre peng , si ti. Ti je dhe ters i vetes, se sa here qe une vendos e them sot do jete dita e fundit qe komentoj , ti me interferon dhe ma shton vendosmerine per te bere te kunderten e asaj qe kisha planifiku ,dhe vazhdoj me kenaqesi te ta zbehj propaganden serbo ruse. Gjynah qe sma paske kuptu tipin hala, me mua sflitet ashtu, hajvan rusofil qe perdor 10 emra (perfshi Xhimi, KoronaRilindja,FantzmaESurrelit,Dudumi, etj) Shtoja dhe nje tjeter ‘Cakalli’ ose e thenen e dialekt sic thuhet nga fshati yt ‘Cakualli’

          2. Vdekshin idiotët, parrazitët, patronazhistët dhe neokomunistët! thotë:

            Çoja mamin, gruan a motrën se nuk e keni problem ju neokomunistët pro ruso-serbë!

      2. Vdekshin idiotët, parrazitët, patronazhistët dhe neokomunistët! thotë:

        O komunist muti o kriminel, Stefan Bandera ka qenë dhe mbete hero për popullin e Ukrainës, vetëm rusët e ju qorrat këlyhë të kriminelëve shqiptarë jeni kundër heronjve nacionalistë

        1. Massacres of Poles in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia
          The massacres of Poles in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia (Polish: rzeź wołyńska, lit. ’Volhynian slaughter’; Ukrainian: Волинська трагедія, romanized: Volynska trahediia, lit. ’Volyn tragedy’), were carried out in German-occupied Poland by the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, or the UPA, with the support of parts of the local Ukrainian population against the Polish minority in Volhynia, Eastern Galicia, parts of Polesia and Lublin region from 1943 to 1945.[7] The peak of the massacres took place in July and August 1943. Most of the victims were women and children.[8] Many of the Polish victims regardless of age or gender were tortured before being killed; some of the methods included rape, dismemberment or immolation, among others.[5] The UPA’s actions resulted in between 50,000[1] and 100,000 deaths.[3][4]

          1. Vdekshin idiotët, parrazitët, patronazhistët dhe neokomunistët! thotë:

            O debil, mos merr informacion te wikipedia ruse, o idiot, se kanë mbytë botën me propagandë.

            Mjafton të të jap një shembull të krimeve sovjetike ndaj popullit sovjetik: vetëm në hapjen e një kanali që do të lidhte lumin Neva me detin Balltik vdiqën u vranë etj rreth 1 milion të burgosur rusë.

        2. Poland intervenes after Ukrainian ambassador denies wartime massacre of Poles and Jews

          Poland’s foreign ministry has intervened after Ukraine’s ambassador to Germany denied that Ukrainian national leader Stepan Bandera was responsible for the mass murder of ethnic Poles and Jews, and also sought to justify his collaboration with Nazi Germany.

    3. Pa ka shumë mundësi siç kishte mundësi që rusët që në mars kishin vetëm 5 ditë karburant rezerve dhe 8 dite ushqime rezerve dhe gjyshja ukrainase I helmonte me kulaçë dhe ai gjyshi I rrezonte avionët me llastiqe dje I bënte konkurrencë Fantazmës se Kievit!
      Sa budallenj mban kjo toka shqiptare!

      1. Vdekshin idiotët, parrazitët, patronazhistët dhe neokomunistët! thotë:

        O rrotë karri në fund të marsit rusët ishin në rrethinat e Kievit, sot kanë shku në pidh të satome, me zor po i mbajnë ato pak teritore që i kanë pas aneksu që në 2014. Duke parë se nuk mund ti përballojnë heronjtë ukrainas bëjnë si të fortë duke kërcënuar me armët e leshit bërthamor të ndryshkura që para 50 vjetësh, bile rrezik ua kanë shitur edhe plutoniumin, siç kishin shitur naftën e ushtrisë, prandaj ju ngecën tanket në llucë.

        1. 60% te komenteve pro ruse ne kete portal i bene vetem 1 person(Xhimi=KoronaRilindja=FantzmaESurrelit=Dudumi=AjolaP..) thotë:

          Mire i the o vlla por ai skupton, se i duhet te debatoj me komentues te tjere,qe te duket shume i devotshem, e te arsyetoj ato rublat qe ia hedh ambasada ruse. Eshte i marre peng. Eshte personazh interesant per ta ndjek sa per gallate, por kujt i shkonte mendja qe qenka spiun i vertete,dhe spiuni eshte me i ndyri i te ndyreve, eshte servil, i pabese, i shitur.

        2. rrethimi i kievit ishte diversion
          qellimi ishte diku tjeter o rrote kari
          e mblodhi ushtrine ukrainase ne kive
          terhoqi forcat e veta i mobilizoi ne juglindje

          nderkohe qe mbante ushtri serish afer kievit gje qe mbante ngecur ushtrine ukrainase ne kiev

          1. Vdekshin idiotët, parrazitët, patronazhistët dhe neokomunistët! thotë:

            Mbani ju debilat, 30 përqind e ushtrisë e shkatërruar, 60 mujë të vrarë, taktikë është, duhet të kesh tru idioti të besosh në këto marrina komuniste, me i lënë të lirë sot rusët më shumë se gjysma e popullsisë ia mbathin nga rusia, do të rrinë iidiotët muzhikë si puna jote që tjua kalërojnë një grusht hajnash si këta të rilindjes.

  2. n January 22, 2010 Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko honored Stepan Bandera by posthumously bestowing on him the state honor, “Hero of Ukraine.” The Soviet KGB assassinated Bandera, a Ukrainian nationalist-in-exile, in 1959. Many Ukrainians, including Ukrainian émigré groups in Canada, pressed Yushchenko to grant the honor, which, according to one statement, “would restore justice and truth about the Bandera and the…struggle for liberation that he headed.” To this day, many Ukrainians view Bandera as a martyred freedom fighter.

    As an uncompromising leader of the militant, terrorist branch of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), Bandera became a Nazi collaborator who lived with his deputies under German protection after World War II began. In preparation for the attack on the USSR, the Nazis recruited Bandera’s followers to act as Ukrainian-speaking policemen and to serve in two Ukrainian volunteer army battalions. By working with the Nazis, Bandera hoped to free Ukraine from Soviet rule and establish his own government there. An independent Ukraine, Bandera promised, would remain friendly to Germany.

    Historian Karel Berkhoff, among others, has shown that Bandera, his deputies, and the Nazis shared a key obsession, namely the notion that the Jews in Ukraine were behind Communism and Stalinist imperialism and must be destroyed. “The Jews of the Soviet Union,” read a Banderist statement, “are the most loyal supporters of the Bolshevik Regime and the vanguard of Muscovite imperialism in the Ukraine.” When the Germans invaded the USSR in June 1941 and captured the East Galician capital of Lvov, Bandera’s lieutenants issued a declaration of independence in his name. They further promised to work closely with Hitler, then helped to launch a pogrom that killed four thousand Lvov Jews in a few days, using weapons ranging from guns to metal poles. “We will lay your heads at Hitler’s feet,” a Banderist pamphlet proclaimed to Ukrainian Jews.

    The Germans intended to keep Ukraine for themselves. They arrested Bandera for his intransigence on the issue of independence, but released him in 1944 when it appeared that his popularity with Ukrainians might help stem the Soviet advance. But whatever their disappointment with the Germans, the Banderists never disagreed with their Jewish policy in Ukraine, which eventually killed over 1.5 million Ukrainian Jews.

    This is a truth that many in Ukraine, particularly in its western parts, deny. In his book Erased (2007), Omer Bartov discusses the large bronze statue of Bandera that stands in a park in the east Galician town of Drohobych, most of whose 15,000 Jews were murdered. The park stands on the site of the town’s former Jewish ghetto, but there is not so much as a plaque in the park to memorialize the Jewish dead. This and other examples like it make a condemnation of Yushchenko’s step necessary.

    But the rest of the story, much of which is revealed in CIA records released in 2007, reveals irony in Yushchenko’s award. After the war Bandera lived in Munich. British intelligence used him to help run agents into Ukraine to gather intelligence and to help the Ukrainian underground against the Soviets. The CIA used some of Bandera’s former cronies for similar reasons, but never used Bandera himself, owing to Bandera’s infatuation with his own legend. “Bandera,” said one CIA report from 1948, “is by nature a political intransigent of great personal ambition [who] has…opposed all political organizations in the emigration which favor a representative form of government in the Ukraine, as opposed to a mono-party, OUN/Bandera regime.”

    Ukrainian sources confirmed that “fighting people in the homeland … [were] not prepared to accept [Bandera] as a dictator,” and that Bandera’s program “was unacceptable to the resistance movement inside [Ukraine].” In 1952 Bandera temporarily resigned as head of the OUN, pressured “by the growing opposition to his leadership among … top-ranking nationalist leaders who opposed him on the grounds of his totalitarian tactics….” Bandera’s subsequent petulance and his insistence on directing all facets of the Ukrainian underground at home and abroad led the British to drop him in 1953. With no high level contacts to listen to him, Bandera was now on the outside looking in.

    Owing to his self-promotion in print and on West German radio, Bandera remained popular with thousands of Ukrainian émigrés in West Germany. His superficial effectiveness prompted West German intelligence (the BND) to establish contact in 1956. By 1959 the BND was helping Bandera to run a new generation of Ukrainian agents from West Germany into the USSR. General Reinhard Gehlen, the head of the BND, had lead German Army intelligence in the USSR during the war. He and his subordinates were surely familiar with Bandera’s wartime record. They were less familiar with the fact that the BND was by now thoroughly penetrated with Soviet agents. On October 14, 1959, Bandera had lunch with senior BND officials to discuss the expansion of operations in Ukraine. The next day the KGB assassinated Bandera in his apartment building.

    Because Bandera effectively promoted his own legend, and because the Soviets were behind his death, émigrés who did not know any better labeled him as the martyred leader of Ukrainians abroad. Fifteen hundred attended his funeral in Munich. US officials, on the other hand, noted that Bandera’s “strong arm tactics” and “competition with other émigré groups” meant that “many émigré figures clearly do not personally lament his passing.” His death meant nothing for CIA operations against Soviet rule in Ukraine, which depended on the very same émigré leaders who, though followers of Bandera during the war, had dumped their former chief as a self-promoting caricature. They continued their work under CIA tutelage until the USSR collapsed. Such is another story.

    It is a sad comment on Ukrainian memory that the man declared a Hero of Ukraine in January headed a movement that was deeply involved in the Holocaust. It is more gratifying to know that by the time of Stepan Bandera’s death, most Ukrainian leaders had long rejected him as a dangerous charlatan who harmed his own cause. By the time of his death, Bandera was reduced to dancing with the Cold War’s most compromised intelligence agency, where the Soviets could watch his every move. Those who label him a hero today, in other words, are as foolish as they are offensive.

  3. Arber ne te gjithe dokumentaret qe kam pare del qe Ukrainasit i kane pritur me lule nazistet pasi i shihnin si clirimtare nga Stalini dhe kane bashkepunuar dhe me grupet e ekzekutimitte SS ensaitzgruppen. Pra si njera pale si tjetra njesoj jane dhe sja vlen te ofendojme njeri tjetrin per keta shkerdhata

    1. Me fal po te vetmin bashkim Shqiperi-Kosove, ne ate periudhe,gjate L II B,e nga ai gezim ka pas edhe nga shqiptaret tane qe i kane prit gjermanet me qef, jo se ishin naziskin(ku dinin femijet e grate tona ne ate kohe qe skishin as shkolle se ca eshte doktrina naziste), por si shpetimtare ndaj serbeve dhe qe u realizua bashkimi(megjithese bashkim gjysmak territorial), kesht qe e njejta llogjike vlen dhe per Ukrainen e asaj kohe. 4-5 milion ukrainas i ka ‘ka vrare’ vetem me krize urie,pas luftes, Stalini,dhe i ka vra si kryesovjetiko-rus dhe jo si gjeorgjian. Dakord jam qe sduhet te ofendojme njeri-tjetrin, per te tjeret,dhe gjeja e fundit eshte qe ti shmangem nje debati civil, por eshte ai spiuni rusoserb,qe shan, dhe une vetem i kunderpergjigjem duke u perpjek maksimalisht qe mos te vije puna qe te ulemi ne nivelin e tij. o mik i nderuar a se kuptoni qe ai(si i paguar nga sherbimet serbo-ruse), thjesht shfrytezon disa tema dhe debate per ti cuar para agjentat e tyre,keshtu qe ne te tjereve natakon qe tia cjerrim masken ose te pakten mos gabimisht te perfshihemi edhe ne ne propaganden e tij/tyre.

  4. Eshte e vertete qe Ibrahim Mitrovica ishte i pari kryeminister i Shqiperise se madhe ta quajme por mos harro ishte qeveri kuislinge qe mbas lufte dihet fati i tyre ne gjithe Europen. Nuk mund te flasim both sides of the mouth ose e thene shqip dhe kshu dhe ashtu, pra nga njera ane te vlersojme nazistet mqs na bashkuan perkohesisht gje qe deshtoi ta bente perendimi ne ate kohe te cilet ishin aletate te Titos dhe nga ana tjeter te harrojme se kush e la Kosoven me Serbine..Historia e Shqiperise fatkeqesisht eshte e manget dhe nga to pak dokumenta qe ekzistojne njera pale akuzon tjetren gje qe reflektohet dhe ne ditet e sotme Mos harro qe Kosova ne ate kohe flitet ka pas nje batalionet famekeqe SS te quajtur Skanderbeg,

    lexo me poshte

    The 21st Waffen Mountain Division of the SS Skanderbeg (1st Albanian) was a German mountain infantry division of the Waffen-SS, the armed wing of the German Nazi Party that served alongside, but was never formally part of, the Wehrmacht during World War II. At the post-war Nuremberg trials, the Waffen-SS was declared to be a criminal organisation due to its major involvement in war crimes and crimes against humanity.

    The division was developed around the nucleus of an ethnic Albanian battalion which had briefly seen combat against the Yugoslav Partisans in eastern Bosnia as part of the 13th Waffen Mountain Division of the SS Handschar (1st Croatian). Composed of Albanians with mostly German and Yugoslav Volksdeutsche (ethnic German) officers and non-commissioned officers, it was given the title Skanderbeg after medieval Albanian lord George Kastrioti Skanderbeg, who defended the region of Albania against the Ottoman Empire for more than two decades in the 15th century.

    Skanderbeg never reached divisional strength, being at most a brigade-sized formation of between 6,000 and 6,500 troops. In May 1944, members of the division arrested 281 Jews in Pristina and handed them over to the Germans, who transported them to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, where many were killed. The division itself was better known for this action and for murdering, raping, and looting in predominantly Serb areas than for participating in combat operations on behalf of the German war effort. Its only significant military actions took place during a German anti-Partisan offensive in the German occupied territory of Montenegro in June and July 1944. Following those operations, the unit was deployed as a guard force at the chromium mines in Kosovo, where it was quickly overrun by the Partisans, leading to widespread desertion. Reinforced by German Kriegsmarine personnel and with fewer than 500 Albanians remaining in its ranks, it was disbanded on 1 November 1944. The remaining members were incorporated into the 7th SS Volunteer Mountain Division Prinz Eugen. After the war, divisional commander SS-Brigadeführer und Generalmajor der Waffen-SS August Schmidhuber was found guilty of war crimes by a court in Belgrade and executed in 19

    1. Me vjen keq qe e besoke propaganden per formacione famekeqe Skanderbeg etj etj. Kosova nuk vrau nje femije apo grua te vetme serbe ne 1999,edhe pasi ata na masakruan,e te te kete shqiptar qe i beson propagandave per krime te formacionit Skanderbeg, apo te ashtuquajtura masaker e 4 shkurtit,eshte e tmerrshme. Shqiptaret formuan formacionet Skanderbeg per tu cliru e bashku e jo per krime, e ideologji naziste sic propagandohet.Ku dinin popullsia analfabete ne ate kohe se c’eshte nazismi e hitleri.Skishte as media,ishim te pushtuar. Lere ate kohe,po sot me thuaj,ne kohe mediash ,e te shkolluar si i lejojme qe profesor universitar si Vladimir Kosturi te beje propagande, jo vetem ndaj Kosoves,por edhe Shqiperise nga ku u rrit,u ushqye e u arsimua? Ke pare ndonje proteste ndaj tij?Pse si kerkohet Irlandes te na dorezoje Luigj Markun? Pse lejohet Frrok Cupi e shume Frrok cupista te tjere,te shpif e te nxs ndarje veri-jug?Pse promovohen tipa siMilam Zeza, emisione degjenerative si perputhen,kep tundusa ,etj etj etj etj.Me keto te merremi, e jo me propaganda qe kane shkruajtur serbet dhe ne i lexojme.

    2. Vdekshin idiotët, parrazitët, patronazhistët dhe neokomunistët! thotë:

      Ti shkruan: ” te harrojme se kush e la Kosoven me Serbine..”

      Sipas teje kush e la?

      Në korrik 1912 shqiptarët kishin pushtuar kryeqendrën e vilajetit të Kosovës, Shkupin dhe të gjitha qytetet e Kosovës gjatë Gushtit, dhe nuk e kam kuptuar se pse ua dorëzuan përssëri turqve. Kur filloj Lufta e Parë Ballkanike në tetor 1912 ata udhëheqës të kryengritjes së korrikut ndenjën e bënë sehir, dhe serbia e pushtoi gjithë kosovën deri në Elbasan,

      Europa na i ka fajet pse bëmë sehir?


Lini një Përgjigje

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