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Konflikti në Gaza, i parë përmes fotografish

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Ofensiva izraelite në Rripin e Gazës ka shkaktuar deri tani 870 viktima në radhët e palestinezëve dhe 32 mes izraelitëve. Shumica e viktimave janë civilë. Mes tyre janë shumë gra e fëmijë. Me dhjetëra mijëra janë të zhvendosurit. Vendi është në prag të një katatrofe humanitare. Këto foto tregojnë një pjesë të asaj se çfarë po ndodh në zonën që gjendet prej disa ditësh nën bombardimet e rënda të ushtrisë izraelite dhe kundërpërgjigjet e grupit Hamas.

Destruction in Gaza

The Jabalia district in the northern Gaza Strip, on July 24, 2014.

Israeli soldiers of the 155mm artillery cannons unit fire towards the Gaza Strip.

Israeli artillery shells sit waiting to be fired into Gaza.

Palestinians perform Friday prayer on the street, outside the Al-Aqsa Mosque after Israeli police.

Doctors treat a Palestinian kid, who was injured in an Israeli attack.

Displaced Palestinian children from Beit Hanun in the northern Gaza Strip.

A Palestinian woman walks past the rubble of a residential building.

Israeli army destroys Al Farouk Mosque during 'Operation Protective Edge'.

Funeral of Palestinian Abu Jamei family members.

Fatah movement members holding their arms during the funeral of Mahmud Shawamreh.

Dana, the sister of Israeli soldier Tsafrir Bar-Or, mourns during his funeral.

A Palestinian boy, who fled his family home.

A Palestinian baby, injured in an Israeli airstrike.

Palestinian girl who is fighting for her life after she was injured in an Israeli strike.

Israeli soldiers from the Nahal Infantry Brigade rest in the shade of trees near central Gaza Strip July 12, 2014.

People mourn around the body of a Palestinian militant at a hospital morgue in the central Gaza Strip July 6, 2014.

Palestinian men rest as dozens of displaced families.