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Plas skandali/ Vajza e Trump “gjuajti” kryeministrin kanadez në takim zyrtar (FOTO)

Arkiva, Planet

Duket se takimi i Ivanka Trump me kryeministrin e Kanadasë, Justin Trudeau, nuk kaloi pa u komentuar, ky i fundit shpesh cilësohet si “një model i zakonshëm dhe politikan i jashtëzakonshëm”

Paraqitjes së Trudeau s’ka mundur ti rezistojë as vajza e Presidentit, Donald Trump, Ivanka.

Ajo u takua me Trudeau kur ai vizitoi të hënë Shtëpinë e Bardhë dhe bashkë me Trump mbajti një mbledhje me gra sipërmarrëse. Fotot se si Ivanka e shikon kryeministrin kanadez tregon gjithçka.

Ivanka, who is a passionate advocate for women in business, was excited to sit down with the Prime Minister at the start of the meeting 

President Trump said Ivanka had been 'very involved' in building the task force which was discussed at Monday's meeting (above) 

Trudeau was welcomed to Washington DC on Monday morning by the president to discuss a range of topics including the US-Canadian task force for female business leaders 

Trudeau was welcomed to Washington DC on Monday morning by the president to discuss a range of topics including the US-Canadian task force for female business leaders

The First Daughter was vocal in the round table discussion and held the Canadian Prime Minister's ear as she gave her thoughts. She sat between him and Dawn Farrell, President and CEO of TransAlta Corporation 

President Donald Trump sat opposite the pair among other female business leaders to discuss the special task force 

L-R: Prime Minister Trudeau, Ivanka Trump, Dawn Farrell of TransAlta, Monique F. Leroux, Investissement Quebec, Hope Hicks, White House Director of Strategic Communications, Tina Lee, T&T Supermarket Inc. Carol Stephenson of General Motors is next to President Donald Trump and Tamara Lundgren of Schnitzer Steel Industries Inc. is on his other side

Ivanka joked with Annette Verschuren, the President of Home Depot in Canada and Asia, who was also invited to the talks