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FOTO/ Mario kapet “mat” me të dashurën në bordin e jahtit luksoz

Arkiva, Sport

Është një ditë e re, në një tjetër jaht për lojtarin e Borussia Dortmund, Mario Gotze. Ai vazhdon të shijojë pushimet me të dashurën e tij seksi Ann-Kathrin Brommel. 25-vjeçarit i janë dhënë nga skuadra disa ditë pushim dhe ai i ka shfrytëzuar me partneren e tij në Majorka. Çifti ka shpenzuar ditët mes luksit në ishujt e Spanjës duke shijuar rrezet e diellit, larjet në ujë, por edhe puthjet e nxehta. /lapsi.al/

Mario Gotze and his girlfriend Ann-Kathrin Brommel are currently on holiday in Majorca

Brommel appeared to enjoy taking some time out of her schedule as she laid on the yacht 

Gotze had some free time after he was not selected by the Germany national team

Brommel stands on the edge of the boat before jumping in the water

Brommel watches on as boyfriend Gotze makes a splash, jumping off their luxury yacht

Gotze takes some time out to look at his phone while Brommel wanders behind him

The German model wore a  green bikini as the pair enjoyed their day in the Spanish sun

Brommel lays down next to her boyfriend as the pair relax near the Spanish island of Majorca

The pair will soon head home to Germany so Gotze can return to Borussia Dortmund training

Attacking midfielder Gotze enjoys a swim on the sea while his girlfriend watches on

Brommel dons a pair of sunglasses while looking on at her boyfriend on their luxury boat

Gotze and Brommel appeared in a relaxed mood as they laid on their boat in Majorca this week

Taking a break from jumping in the sea, Brommel and Gotze lay on cushions on the yacht

There was time for some sunbathing too, as Gotze found a quiet spot at the front of the vessel

Brommel is a model by tradeShe wore a skimpy green bikini for the pair's day in the sun

The young model bends down to join her 25-year-old boyfriend in the water in Majorca

Gotze (left) is back in action now after some time on the sidelines due to his metabolic disorder

Brommel lays with her head on a towel as she relaxes in Majorca on her late summer holiday