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SHBA: Shanset e Kievit për fitore shumë të ulëta, të Moskës zero

-Instant, Arkiva, Planet

SHBA: Ukraina ka “shanse shumë të ulëta për të arritur një fitore ushtarake duke dëbuar të gjithë rusët nga vendi, përfshirë Krimenë”.

Kështu pohon shefi i Shtabit të SHBA, Mark Milley. Ai nënvizon megjithatë se “mund të ketë një zgjidhje politike në të cilën Rusia tërhiqet”.

Forcat ruse, shpjegon Milley, “po vuajnë jashtëzakonisht”. Sipas tij, ato kanë pësuar “humbje shumë të madhe” për sa i përket burimeve njerëzore dhe mjeteve. Nga ana tjetër, shanset që Moska të jetë në gjendje të pushtojë të gjithë territorin ukrainas ose të “përmbysë” vendin e pushtuar janë “ushtarakisht të barabarta me zero”.

Në Uashington, një zyrtar amerikan ka treguar se shefi i CIA-s, William Burns kishte udhëtuar në Kiev për të takuar homologët e inteligjencës ukrainase dhe Zelenskin pas takimit të tij në Ankara me shefin e FSB-së, shërbimit sekret rus.

Gjithashtu, presidenti polak Andrzej Duda u takua me Burns në Varshavë të mërkurën. Kështu tha kreu i Byrosë së Sigurisë Kombëtare të Polonisë.

Lexo më tej: Drejtori i CIA-s takoi Zelenskin në Kiev, Rusia bombardonte 

Lexo më tej: Rusia: Jemi të hapur për negociata, SHBA mund të ndikojë pozitivisht në Kiev 

Lexo më tej: Ministri ukrainas njofton vendimin: Marrëveshja e grurit zgjatet me 120 ditë 


  1. Top US general argues Ukraine may be in a position of strength to negotiate Russian withdrawal
    Oren Liebermann
    By Oren Liebermann, CNN
    Updated 9:09 PM EST, Wed November 16, 2022

    One week after saying there may be a window for peace talks to end the war in Ukraine, the top US general laid out a comprehensive list of Russia’s failures and suggested negotiations – if they were to occur – would be done from a position of strength for Kyiv.

    Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley said the Russian military was “really hurting bad” after nearly nine months of war in which the Kremlin has failed to achieve any of its goals. The Ukrainians have racked up “success after success after success,” Milley quipped, while the Russians “have failed every single time.”

    Those failures, Milley suggested, which come on top of Ukraine’s recent liberation of Kherson, may even allow Ukraine to push for what it is unlikely to achieve militarily: a withdrawal of Russian forces.

    “There may be a political solution where politically the Russians withdraw,” Milley said at a press conference Wednesday. “You want to negotiate at a time when you’re at your strength, and your opponent is at weakness. And it’s possible, maybe, that there’ll be a political solution. All I’m saying is there’s a possibility for it.”

    A crater is seen near the small village of Przewodów, Poland where Polish officials confirmed that two people were killed after an explosion.
    Poland, NATO say missile that killed two likely fired by Ukraine defending against Russian attack
    He was speaking following a meeting of allies who make up the Ukraine Contact Group and after leaders of Poland and NATO said the missile that killed two people in Polish territory on Tuesday was likely fired by Ukrainian forces defending their country against a barrage of Russian strikes, and that the incident appeared to be an accident. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, speaking at the same press conference, said the US has seen no information so far that “contradicts” Poland’s “preliminary assessment”.

    Milley appeared to be making a concerted effort to lay out his position on the state of the war, one week after he appeared to push for negotiations amid stabilizing front lines and a potential winter lull in fighting in comments that ruffled some allies and members of his own administration. Speaking in New York last Wednesday, Milley said both Russia and Ukraine will have to realize that military victory is impossible to achieve and that a negotiated end to the conflict would end the suffering of war.

    “When there’s an opportunity to negotiate, when peace can be achieved, seize it,” Milley said at the time.

    Those remarks forced the Biden administration to reassure Ukraine that there had been no change in the US position of allowing the country to decide its own future or to pressure Kyiv into negotiations.

    Austin underscored that position on Wednesday, standing next to Milley at the press conference. “What’s a good time to negotiate? We’ve said repeatedly that the Ukrainians are going to decide that and not us.”

    Nevertheless, Milley laid out the realities of the fight ahead, with winter already setting in on the battlefields of Ukraine. Russia has knocked out parts of Ukraine’s energy grid and infrastructure, leaving many homes without electricity or water. Ukraine’s military has conducted successful counteroffensives in the east and the south, but the front lines are stabilizing, Milley said, and the fight tends to slow down in winter.

    This time, Milley was more careful with his talk of negotiations, implicitly acknowledging that the chances of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky reaching any sort of agreement still seem very off.

    “So if there’s a slowdown in the actual tactical fighting, if that happens, then that may become a window, possibly – it may not – for a political solution, or at least the beginnings of talks to initiate a political solution,” he said.

    But one day after Russia launched perhaps the largest barrage of missiles against Ukraine, the US and the West made it clear they’re preparing for a longer conflict, one in which Kyiv still needs air defenses and ammunition for the fight ahead.

    “We will be there for as long as it takes to keep Ukraine free,” said Milley.

  2. That’s a misleading headline. That is NOT what the General said. He said, to paraphrase him, that there’s a “low chance of Ukraine pushing Russia out of Ukraine any time soon”. You omitted the timeline from your headline, which is hugely misleading and erroneous. He didn’t say, as your headline suggests, that the Ukrainians wouldn’t be able to push the Russians out militarily. He just said, essentially, that it would take some time. That’s a massive difference. You really should be doing better.

    Ky është një titull mashtrues. Kjo NUK është ajo që tha Gjenerali. Ai tha, për ta perifrazuar atë, se ka një “shans të ulët që Ukraina ta shtyjë Rusinë nga Ukraina së shpejti”. Ju hoqët afatin kohor nga titulli juaj, i cili është jashtëzakonisht mashtrues dhe i gabuar. Ai nuk tha, siç sugjeron titulli juaj, se ukrainasit nuk do të ishin në gjendje t’i largonin rusët ushtarakisht. Ai thjesht tha, në thelb, se do të duhej pak kohë. Ky është një ndryshim masiv. Ju me të vërtetë duhet të bëni më mirë.

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